New Watersheds Amid a New Normal

Wed, December 27, 2023 9:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Watersheds are defined by ridge lines. The path rainwater takes depends on mere inches—where it falls on either side of that ridge. Similarly, our community now stands on a kind of metaphorical ridge, teetering between an old worldview and an emerging new one.

It's clear we're in what many call a "watershed moment." No one needs to remind us that the events of recent years have rattled us, pushing us beyond our comfort zones. The challenges we've faced aren't just about wildfires, droughts, floods, or even a pandemic anymore. We're grappling with broader global conflicts, economic uncertainties, climate change, and a deeper understanding of social injustices. While they may seem beyond our ability to fix, we do have the power to work together to address those issues that affect our own neighborhoods.

As this year turns over, while we commemorate the events of 2023, let’s refrain from pining for the “old normal”. Let’s commit ourselves to working together to forge a new path. 

forest path with bright sunshineWe can work together to stay vigilant to challenges.  As a community of hosts we have the tools to create places where comfort, integrity, and care flourish—not just for our own families, but for our neighbors, and, of course, for those guests we warmly welcome into our homes.

In this season of reflection, let's embrace this new watershed moment. It's an opportunity to rebuild, to rethink, and to rekindle the spirit of welcome we know holds us together.

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